I don't think I've ever been so disappointed in myself in school as this semester. a C in illustration? I was doing so well in the beginning, my first two projects got a 10/10 and 8/10 respectively... but it just slid downhill from there. I couldn't/ wouldn't/ DIDN'T keep up with the workload. It should've been my favorite class. It was, actually. I liked working on projects in that class more than in Yu Ji's and in Rick's. I half-half-assed everything in Rick's class pretty much, because I'm a snob and pretty much am sure that I know 100% more about Photoshop and Illustrator than any of those art ed kids, and didn't put my best foot forward. And got an A. C in illustration, A in art ed, is this a sign of which direction to go? Then why does it feel so grim?
Both Yu Ji and Chawla said that it's not about the skill level, obviously I can produce quality work. But I don't. Being lazy gets you nowhere in this industry (or any other, for that matter). Both of them gave me a C. Is this what I needed to step up my game? I don't know. I hope so. Six classes next semester though, this shit's tough.
I'm going to make up for whatever my "portfolio" lacks by drawing and painting this summer. I need to get a move on.
A in sex ed and A in art ed, two totally dumb classes. Cake classes, safety nets, whatever. I don't feel happy for receiving these A's. I just feel a little relieved for my poor GPA, but no satisfaction.
edit: I got a B in Mesoamerican Art Hist. I actually did work for this class, went to every class and studied and read. I didn't do all of the necessary work, but I did the work. I am a straight B student this semester, one step down from last semester (B B B B... A. lol). OHBOYOHBOYZ.
Man I felt that way about this semester too :\ I mean, one of the better graphic design professors told me that she's "frankly, quite worried" about me. How encouraging is that!? lol. We need to step up our games, my GPA suffered this semester too, and GET IT!
ReplyDeleteAlso I'm taking 6 classes next semester too.